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Welcome to the Karlia API documentation !
Karlia is a powerful CRM platform that brings together everything you need to better optimize your productivity in one easy-to-use tool.
The Karlia API is built around a RESTful architecture and allows you to customize, modify and integrate your Karlia organization and external services.
A limit on the number of requests per minute (100 requests / minutes) and month (depend of your subscription) is applied to each account.
A 429 error will be sent if at least one of the quotas has reached zero.
The quotas are counted on each request, even for errors.
Get a list of all customers.
quick_search | string <= 127 characters Quick search field |
name | integer <= 127 characters Search by name |
prospect | integer Search by status
individual | integer Search by type
client_number | string <= 30 characters Search by client number |
phone | string <= 30 characters Search by phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Search by mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Search by email | |
id_client_manager | string Search by user with group Id associated with the customer |
langId | integer Search by language
siret | string <= 30 characters Search by SIRET |
siren | string <= 30 characters Search by SIREN |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters Search by VAT number |
archived | integer Search by status
creation_date_min | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
creation_date_max | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
update_date_min | string <date-time> Search by update date |
update_date_max | string <date-time> Search by update date |
fields | string List of fields to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 14,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "28496",
- "title": "Society X",
- "individual": "0",
- "prospect": "0",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
], - "opportunities_list": [
- {
- "id": "1947",
- "pipeline": "1924",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "archived": "0"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Create a customer.
name required | string <= 127 characters Name for professional customer or lastname for individual customer |
individual | integer Customer type
id_civility | integer Customer civility - Only for individual customer
firstname | string <= 127 characters Customer firstname - Only for individual customer |
prospect | integer Customer status
phone | string <= 30 characters Customer phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Customer mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Customer email address | |
id_client_manager | string Users with group Id associated with the customer |
langId | integer Customer language
siret | string <= 30 characters Customer SIRET |
siren | integer <= 30 characters Customer SIREN |
legal_form | string <= 255 characters Customer status |
main_activity | string <= 255 characters APE/NAF code |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters VAT number |
default_discount_percent | number <double> Default discount |
id_document_template | integer |
id_payment_condition | integer Id of payment condition
id_vat | integer VAT Id
description | string <= 255 characters Customer description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields | |
main_address | string <= 255 characters Main address |
main_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of main address |
main_city | string <= 127 characters City of main address |
main_country | string <= 64 characters Country of main address |
delivery_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of delivery address |
delivery_address | string <= 255 characters Delivery address |
delivery_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of delivery address |
delivery_city | string <= 127 characters City of delivery address |
delivery_country | string <= 64 characters Country of delivery address |
invoice_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of invoice address |
invoice_address | string <= 255 characters Invoice address |
invoice_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of invoice address |
invoice_city | string <= 127 characters City of invoice address |
invoice_country | string <= 64 characters Country of invoice address |
sepa_debit_mandat_id | string SEPA mandat ID (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_date | date SEPA mandat date (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_title | string SEPA mandat title (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_iban | string SEPA mandat IBAN (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_bic | string SEPA mandat BIC (only if SEPA is activated) |
archived | integer Customer status
{- "name": "Society X",
- "individual": 0,
- "id_civility": "",
- "firstname": "",
- "prospect": 0,
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "id_client_manager": "u213",
- "langId": 1,
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "default_discount_percent": 10.5,
- "id_document_template": "",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": 123,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3345,
- "value": 5900
], - "main_address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "main_zip_code": 31400,
- "main_city": "Toulouse",
- "main_country": "France",
- "delivery_title": "My delivery address",
- "delivery_address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "delivery_zip_code": 31000,
- "delivery_city": "Toulouse",
- "delivery_country": "France",
- "invoice_title": "My invoice address",
- "invoice_address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "invoice_zip_code": 75000,
- "invoice_city": "Paris",
- "invoice_country": "France",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "archived": 0
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- "title": "Society X",
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- "id_client_manager": [
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- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [ ],
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
], - "opportunities_list": [ ],
- "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
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- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get one customer.
id required | integer Customer Id |
{- "id": "28496",
- "title": "Society X",
- "individual": "0",
- "prospect": "0",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
], - "opportunities_list": [
- {
- "id": "1947",
- "pipeline": "1924",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "archived": "0"
], - "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Update a customer.
id required | integer Customer Id |
name | string <= 127 characters Name for professional customer or lastname for individual customer |
individual | integer Customer type
id_civility | integer Customer civility - Only for individual customer
firstname | string <= 127 characters Customer firstname - Only for individual customer |
prospect | integer Customer status
phone | string <= 30 characters Customer phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Customer mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Customer email address | |
id_client_manager | string Users with group Id associated with the customer |
langId | integer Customer language
siret | string <= 30 characters Customer SIRET |
siren | integer <= 30 characters Customer SIREN |
legal_form | string <= 255 characters Customer status |
main_activity | string <= 255 characters APE/NAF code |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters VAT number |
default_discount_percent | number <double> Default discount |
id_document_template | integer |
id_payment_condition | integer Id of payment condition
id_vat | integer VAT Id
description | string <= 255 characters Customer description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields | |
main_address | string <= 255 characters Main address |
main_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of main address |
main_city | string <= 127 characters City of main address |
main_country | string <= 64 characters Country of main address |
delivery_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of delivery address |
delivery_address | string <= 255 characters Delivery address |
delivery_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of delivery address |
delivery_city | string <= 127 characters City of delivery address |
delivery_country | string <= 64 characters Country of delivery address |
invoice_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of invoice address |
invoice_address | string <= 255 characters Invoice address |
invoice_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of invoice address |
invoice_city | string <= 127 characters City of invoice address |
invoice_country | string <= 64 characters Country of invoice address |
sepa_debit_mandat_id | string SEPA mandat ID (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_date | date SEPA mandat date (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_title | string SEPA mandat title (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_iban | string SEPA mandat IBAN (only if SEPA is activated) |
sepa_debit_mandat_bic | string SEPA mandat BIC (only if SEPA is activated) |
archived | integer Customer status
{- "name": "Society X",
- "individual": 0,
- "id_civility": "",
- "firstname": "",
- "prospect": 0,
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "id_client_manager": "u213",
- "langId": 1,
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "default_discount_percent": 10.5,
- "id_document_template": "",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": 123,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3345,
- "value": 5900
], - "main_address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "main_zip_code": 31400,
- "main_city": "Toulouse",
- "main_country": "France",
- "delivery_title": "My delivery address",
- "delivery_address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "delivery_zip_code": 31000,
- "delivery_city": "Toulouse",
- "delivery_country": "France",
- "invoice_title": "My invoice address",
- "invoice_address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "invoice_zip_code": 75000,
- "invoice_city": "Paris",
- "invoice_country": "France",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "archived": 0
{- "id": "28496",
- "title": "Society X",
- "individual": "0",
- "prospect": "0",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
], - "opportunities_list": [
- {
- "id": "1947",
- "pipeline": "1924",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "archived": "0"
], - "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
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- "updated_by": "213"
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- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get values of customers custom field.
field_id required | integer Customer custom field Id |
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5899",
- "title": "Facebook"
}, - {
- "id"": "5900",
- "title": "Google AdWords"
}, - {
- "id": "5901",
- "title": "Website"
Add or update a customer custom field.
id required | integer Customer Id |
field_id required | integer Customer custom field Id |
field_value required | integer |
{- "field_value": 5900
{- "id": "28496",
- "title": "Society X",
- "individual": "0",
- "prospect": "0",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
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- {
- "id": "1947",
- "pipeline": "1924",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "archived": "0"
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- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
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- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Add a new file for a customer.
id required | integer Customer Id |
upload_file_content | string Content of the file to upload (base64) |
upload_file_url | string URL of the file to upload |
upload_file_name | string Name of the file |
{- "upload_file_content": "",
- "upload_file_url": "",
- "upload_file_name": ""
{- "id": "28496",
- "title": "Society X",
- "individual": "0",
- "prospect": "0",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this customer",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3345",
- "title": "Source d'acquisition",
- "value": "5900",
- "value_text": "Facebook"
], - "opportunities_list": [
- {
- "id": "1947",
- "pipeline": "1924",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "archived": "0"
], - "sepa_debit_mandat_id": "MANDAT_ID",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_date": "15/01/2022",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_title": "MANDAT_TITLE",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_iban": "IBAN",
- "sepa_debit_mandat_bic": "BIC",
- "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Delete a file for a customer.
id required | integer Customer Id |
file_id required | integer File Id |
Get customer history.
id required | integer Customer Id |
from | string <date-time> Search by start date |
to | string <date-time> Search by end date |
id_user | integer User Id of the user updater |
fields | string Updated fields list (separated by a comma) |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 14,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "field": "title",
- "old_value": "Value 1",
- "new_value": "Value 2",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get a list of all suppliers.
quick_search | string <= 127 characters Quick search field |
name | integer <= 127 characters Search by name |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Search by client number |
phone | string <= 30 characters Search by phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Search by mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Search by email | |
id_client_manager | string Search by user with group associated with the supplier |
langId | integer Search by language
siret | string <= 30 characters Search by SIRET |
siren | string <= 30 characters Search by SIREN |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters Search by VAT number |
archived | integer Search by status
creation_date_min | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
creation_date_max | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
update_date_min | string <date-time> Search by update date |
update_date_max | string <date-time> Search by update date |
fields | string List of fields to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 5,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Create a supplier.
name required | string <= 127 characters Supplier name |
phone | string <= 30 characters Supplier phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Supplier mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Supplier email address | |
id_client_manager | string Users with group Id associated with the supplier |
langId | integer Supplier language
siret | string <= 30 characters Supplier SIRET |
siren | integer <= 30 characters Supplier SIREN |
legal_form | string <= 255 characters Supplier status |
main_activity | string <= 255 characters APE/NAF code |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters VAT number |
id_document_template | integer |
id_payment_condition | integer Id of payment condition
id_vat | integer VAT Id
description | string <= 255 characters Supplier description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields | |
main_address | string <= 255 characters Main address |
main_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of main address |
main_city | string <= 127 characters City of main address |
main_country | string <= 64 characters Country of main address |
delivery_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of delivery address |
delivery_address | string <= 255 characters Delivery address |
delivery_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of delivery address |
delivery_city | string <= 127 characters City of delivery address |
delivery_country | string <= 64 characters Country of delivery address |
invoice_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of invoice address |
invoice_address | string <= 255 characters Invoice address |
invoice_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of invoice address |
invoice_city | string <= 127 characters City of invoice address |
invoice_country | string <= 64 characters Country of invoice address |
archived | integer Supplier status
{- "name": "Society Y",
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "id_client_manager": "u213",
- "langId": 1,
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
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- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
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- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": 123,
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- {
- "id": 3352,
- "value": 5911
], - "main_address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "main_zip_code": 31400,
- "main_city": "Toulouse",
- "main_country": "France",
- "delivery_title": "My delivery address",
- "delivery_address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "delivery_zip_code": 31000,
- "delivery_city": "Toulouse",
- "delivery_country": "France",
- "invoice_title": "My invoice address",
- "invoice_address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "invoice_zip_code": 75000,
- "invoice_city": "Paris",
- "invoice_country": "France",
- "archived": 0
{- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": "123",
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- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
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- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
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- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [ ],
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
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- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
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- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get one supplier.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
{- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
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- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
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- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
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- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Update a supplier.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
name | string <= 127 characters Supplier name |
phone | string <= 30 characters Supplier phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Supplier mobile number |
string <email> <= 127 characters Supplier email address | |
id_client_manager | string Users with group Id associated with the supplier |
langId | integer Supplier language
siret | string <= 30 characters Supplier SIRET |
siren | integer <= 30 characters Supplier SIREN |
legal_form | string <= 255 characters Supplier status |
main_activity | string <= 255 characters APE/NAF code |
vat_number | string <= 30 characters VAT number |
id_document_template | integer |
id_payment_condition | integer Id of payment condition
id_vat | integer VAT Id
description | string <= 255 characters Supplier description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields | |
main_address | string <= 255 characters Main address |
main_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of main address |
main_city | string <= 127 characters City of main address |
main_country | string <= 64 characters Country of main address |
delivery_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of delivery address |
delivery_address | string <= 255 characters Delivery address |
delivery_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of delivery address |
delivery_city | string <= 127 characters City of delivery address |
delivery_country | string <= 64 characters Country of delivery address |
invoice_title | string <= 127 characters Name or company name of invoice address |
invoice_address | string <= 255 characters Invoice address |
invoice_zip_code | string <= 64 characters ZIP code of invoice address |
invoice_city | string <= 127 characters City of invoice address |
invoice_country | string <= 64 characters Country of invoice address |
archived | integer Supplier status
{- "name": "Society Y",
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "id_client_manager": "u213",
- "langId": 1,
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_document_template": "",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
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- {
- "id": 3352,
- "value": 5911
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- "main_zip_code": 31400,
- "main_city": "Toulouse",
- "main_country": "France",
- "delivery_title": "My delivery address",
- "delivery_address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "delivery_zip_code": 31000,
- "delivery_city": "Toulouse",
- "delivery_country": "France",
- "invoice_title": "My invoice address",
- "invoice_address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "invoice_zip_code": 75000,
- "invoice_city": "Paris",
- "invoice_country": "France",
- "archived": 0
{- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
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- "client_number": "123",
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- {
- "id": "17894",
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- "title": "",
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- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
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- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get values of suppliers custom field.
field_id required | integer Supplier custom field Id |
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5911",
- "title": "30 days"
}, - {
- "id"": "5912",
- "title": "45 days end of month"
Add or update a supplier custom field.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
field_id required | integer Supplier custom field Id |
field_value required | integer |
{- "field_value": 5911
{- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Add a new file for a supplier.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
upload_file_content | string Content of the file to upload (base64) |
upload_file_url | string URL of the file to upload |
upload_file_name | string Name of the file |
{- "upload_file_content": "",
- "upload_file_url": "",
- "upload_file_name": ""
{- "id": "48560",
- "title": "Society Y",
- "id_client_manager": [
- "u213"
], - "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "email": "",
- "langId": "1",
- "siret": "123 568 941 00056",
- "siren": "123 568 941",
- "legal_form": "SARL",
- "main_activity": "4616C",
- "vat_number": "FR 32 123456789",
- "id_parent": "0",
- "id_products_prices_category": "0",
- "id_payment_condition": "0",
- "id_vat": "-1",
- "description": "A description or note about this supplier",
- "client_number": "123",
- "address_list": [
- {
- "id": "17894",
- "type": "main",
- "title": "",
- "address": "55 Av. Louis Breguet",
- "zip_code": "31400",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.57711972081131",
- "longitude": "1.4767491490358602",
- "is_default": true
}, - {
- "id": "17895",
- "type": "delivery",
- "title": "My delivery address",
- "address": "1 place du Capitole",
- "zip_code": "31000",
- "city": "Toulouse",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "43.60394807541591",
- "longitude": "1.4442377834043243",
- "is_default": false
}, - {
- "id": "17896",
- "type": "invoice",
- "title": "My invoice address",
- "address": "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré",
- "zip_code": "75000",
- "city": "Paris",
- "country": "France",
- "latitude": "48.87018658507098",
- "longitude": "2.3165783971275635",
- "is_default": false
], - "contacts_list": [
- {
- "id": "4700",
- "civility": "Mr",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact"
], - "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3352",
- "title": "Payment condition",
- "value": "5911",
- "value_text": "30 days"
], - "files_list": [
- {
- "id": "149",
- "name": "FileName",
- "extension": "pdf",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "archived": "0",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Delete a file for a supplier.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
file_id required | integer File Id |
Get supplier history.
id required | integer Supplier Id |
from | string <date-time> Search by start date |
to | string <date-time> Search by end date |
id_user | integer User Id of the user updater |
fields | string Updated fields list (separated by a comma) |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 14,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "field": "title",
- "old_value": "Value 1",
- "new_value": "Value 2",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get a list of all contacts.
quick_search | string <= 127 characters Quick search field |
id_customer_supplier | |
id_civility | integer Search by status
lastname | string <= 127 characters Search by lastname |
firstname | string <= 127 characters Search by firstname |
position_title | string <= 127 characters Search by position title |
string <email> <= 127 characters Search by email | |
phone | string <= 30 characters Search by phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Search by mobile number |
is_accounting_contact | integer Search by accounting contact
client_number | string <= 30 characters Search by client number |
fields | string List of fields to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 3,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "48560",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "supplier": "0",
- "title": "Mr Jean Dupont",
- "id_civility": "1",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "is_accounting_contact": "0",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": "123",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3407",
- "title": "Contact type",
- "value": "5994",
- "value_text": "Decision-maker contact"
], - "client_portal": {
- "status": "1",
- "id_right": "5",
- "last_connexion": "2023-01-15 15:42:35",
- "password_last_update": "2022-12-10 10:14:12"
}, - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Create a contact.
id_customer_supplier required | |
id_civility | integer Contact civility
lastname required | string <= 127 characters Contact lastname |
firstname | string <= 127 characters Contact firstname |
position_title | string <= 127 characters Contact position title |
string <email> <= 127 characters Contact email address | |
phone | string <= 30 characters Contact phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Contact mobile number |
is_accounting_contact | integer Is accounting contact
description | string <= 255 characters Contact description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields |
{- "id_customer_supplier": 28496,
- "id_civility": "",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "is_accounting_contact": 0,
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": 123,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3704,
- "value": 5994
{- "id": "48560",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "supplier": "0",
- "title": "Mr Jean Dupont",
- "id_civility": "1",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "is_accounting_contact": "0",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": "123",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3407",
- "title": "Contact type",
- "value": "5994",
- "value_text": "Decision-maker contact"
], - "client_portal": {
- "status": "1",
- "id_right": "5",
- "last_connexion": "2023-01-15 15:42:35",
- "password_last_update": "2022-12-10 10:14:12"
}, - "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get one contact.
id required | integer Contact Id |
{- "id": "48560",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "supplier": "0",
- "title": "Mr Jean Dupont",
- "id_civility": "1",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "is_accounting_contact": "0",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": "123",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3407",
- "title": "Contact type",
- "value": "5994",
- "value_text": "Decision-maker contact"
], - "client_portal": {
- "status": "1",
- "id_right": "5",
- "last_connexion": "2023-01-15 15:42:35",
- "password_last_update": "2022-12-10 10:14:12"
}, - "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Update a contact.
id required | integer Contact Id |
id_customer_supplier | |
id_civility | integer Contact civility
lastname | string <= 127 characters Contact lastname |
firstname | string <= 127 characters Contact firstname |
position_title | string <= 127 characters Contact position title |
string <email> <= 127 characters Contact email address | |
phone | string <= 30 characters Contact phone number |
mobile | string <= 30 characters Contact mobile number |
is_accounting_contact | integer Is accounting contact
description | string <= 255 characters Contact description |
client_number | string <= 30 characters Internal number |
Array of objects Custom fields |
{- "id_customer_supplier": 28496,
- "id_civility": "",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+33512345678",
- "mobile": "07 98 76 54 32",
- "is_accounting_contact": 0,
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": 123,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3704,
- "value": 5994
{- "id": "48560",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "supplier": "0",
- "title": "Mr Jean Dupont",
- "id_civility": "1",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "is_accounting_contact": "0",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": "123",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3407",
- "title": "Contact type",
- "value": "5994",
- "value_text": "Decision-maker contact"
], - "client_portal": {
- "status": "1",
- "id_right": "5",
- "last_connexion": "2023-01-15 15:42:35",
- "password_last_update": "2022-12-10 10:14:12"
}, - "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get values of contacts custom field.
field_id required | integer Contact custom field Id |
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5991",
- "title": "Commercial contact"
}, - {
- "id": "5992",
- "title": "Accounting contact"
}, - {
- "id": "5993",
- "title": "Decision-maker contact"
}, - {
- "id": "5994",
- "title": "Delivery contact"
Add or update a contact custom field.
id required | integer Contact Id |
field_id required | integer Contact custom field Id |
field_value required | integer |
{- "field_value": 5994
{- "id": "48560",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "supplier": "0",
- "title": "Mr Jean Dupont",
- "id_civility": "1",
- "lastname": "Dupont",
- "firstname": "Jean",
- "position_title": "CEO",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "02 45 68 37 98",
- "mobile": "06 94 31 81 31",
- "is_accounting_contact": "0",
- "description": "A description or note about this contact",
- "client_number": "123",
- "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3407",
- "title": "Contact type",
- "value": "5994",
- "value_text": "Decision-maker contact"
], - "client_portal": {
- "status": "1",
- "id_right": "5",
- "last_connexion": "2023-01-15 15:42:35",
- "password_last_update": "2022-12-10 10:14:12"
}, - "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get a list of all opportunities.
pipeline | integer Search by pipeline Id |
id_customer | integer Search by customer Id |
title | string <= 127 characters Search by title |
column_number | integer Search by pipeline column Id |
id_user_assigned | string <= 30 characters Search by user with group Id associated with the opportunity |
id_status | integer Search by opportunity status Id |
id_status_lost | integer Search by reason Id for status loss |
id_status_canceled | integer Search by reason Id for status cancellation |
archived | integer Search by opportunity condition
creation_date_min | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
creation_date_max | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
update_date_min | string <date-time> Search by update date |
update_date_max | string <date-time> Search by update date |
fields | string List of fields to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 3,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "opportunity_status": "Open",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "opportunity_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "opportunity_status_canceled": "",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "proposals": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "number": "1",
- "description": "",
- "files_list": [ ]
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Create an opportunity.
pipeline required | integer Pipeline Id |
id_customer required | integer Customer Id |
title | string <= 127 characters Opportunity title |
column_number | integer |
id_user_assigned | string User with group Id associated with the opportunity |
id_status | integer Opportunity status Id |
id_status_lost | integer <email> Reason Id for status loss. Only if status is lost |
id_status_canceled | integer Reason Id for status cancellation. Only if status is cancelled |
color | string Opportunity color
archived | integer Opportunity status
Array of objects Custom fields |
{- "pipeline": 1934,
- "id_customer": 48560,
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "column_number": 1,
- "id_user_assigned": "u213",
- "id_status": 0,
- "id_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "",
- "color": "ff0000",
- "archived": 0,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3413,
- "value": 5995
{- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get one opportunity.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
{- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "opportunity_status": "Open",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "opportunity_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "opportunity_status_canceled": "",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "proposals": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "number": "1",
- "description": "",
- "files_list": [ ]
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Update an opportunity.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
pipeline | integer Pipeline Id |
id_customer | integer Customer Id |
title | string <= 127 characters Opportunity title |
column_number | integer |
id_user_assigned | string User with group Id associated with the opportunity |
id_status | integer Opportunity status Id |
id_status_lost | integer <email> Reason Id for status loss. Only if status is lost |
id_status_canceled | integer Reason Id for status cancellation. Only if status is cancelled |
color | string Opportunity color
archived | integer Opportunity status
Array of objects Custom fields |
{- "pipeline": 1934,
- "id_customer": 48560,
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "column_number": 1,
- "id_user_assigned": "u213",
- "id_status": 0,
- "id_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "",
- "color": "ff0000",
- "archived": 0,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": 3413,
- "value": 5995
{- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "opportunity_status": "Open",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "opportunity_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "opportunity_status_canceled": "",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "proposals": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "number": "1",
- "description": "",
- "files_list": [ ]
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Delete an opportunity.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
Get values of opportunities custom field.
field_id required | integer Opportunity custom field Id |
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5995",
- "title": "Phone"
}, - {
- "id": "5996",
- "title": "Website"
Add or update a opportunity custom field.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
field_id required | integer Opportunity custom field Id |
field_value required | integer |
{- "field_value": 5995
{- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "opportunity_status": "Open",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "opportunity_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "opportunity_status_canceled": "",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "proposals": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "number": "1",
- "description": "",
- "files_list": [ ]
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Add a new file for an opportunity.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
id_proposal | integer Id of the proposition in the opportunity
upload_file_content | string Content of the file to upload (base64) |
upload_file_url | string URL of the file to upload |
upload_file_name | string Name of the file |
{- "id_proposal": "0",
- "upload_file_content": "",
- "upload_file_url": "",
- "upload_file_name": ""
{- "id": "1985",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "column_number": "1",
- "column_number_last_update": "2022-04-04 09:44:49",
- "position": "1",
- "id_customer": "28496",
- "title": "Opportunity #1",
- "id_status": "0",
- "opportunity_status": "Open",
- "id_status_lost": "0",
- "opportunity_status_lost": "",
- "id_status_canceled": "0",
- "opportunity_status_canceled": "",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "color": "#ff0000",
- "archived": "0",
- "custom_fields_list": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "title": "Source",
- "value": "5995",
- "value_text": "Website"
], - "proposals": [
- {
- "id": "3413",
- "number": "1",
- "description": "",
- "files_list": [ ]
], - "creation_source": "3",
- "creation_source_title": "API",
- "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Delete a file for an opportunity.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
file_id required | integer File Id |
Get opportunities pipeline columns.
pipeline_id required | integer Pipeline Id |
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "1",
- "title": "Prospecting",
- "probability": "0.00"
}, - {
- "id": "2",
- "title": "Proposal",
- "probability": "25.00"
}, - {
- "id": "3",
- "title": "Negotiation",
- "probability": "50.00"
}, - {
- "id": "4",
- "title": "Sales",
- "probability": "75.00"
{- "status": "success",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "1090",
- "title": "Concurrence",
- "title_en": "Competition",
- "title_es": "Competencia"
}, - {
- "id": "1091",
- "title": "Non qualifié",
- "title_en": "Unqualified",
- "title_es": "No calificado"
}, - {
- "id": "1092",
- "title": "Pas adapté",
- "title_en": "Not suitable",
- "title_es": "No apto"
}, - {
- "id": "1093",
- "title": "Trop cher",
- "title_en": "Too expensive",
- "title_es": "Demasiado caro"
Get opportunity history.
id required | integer Opportunity Id |
from | string <date-time> Search by start date |
to | string <date-time> Search by end date |
id_user | integer User Id of the user updater |
fields | string Updated fields list (separated by a comma) |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 14,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "field": "title",
- "old_value": "Value 1",
- "new_value": "Value 2",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get a list of all documents.
from | string <date-time> Search by document date |
to | string <date-time> Search by expiration date |
type | integer Document type
status_not_draft | integer List all the documents not in draft status
id_status | Array of arrays Search by status
id_customer | integer Search by customer Id |
id_user_assigned | string Users with group Id associated with the oportunity |
document_number | string <= 30 characters Document number |
pipeline | integer Pipeline Id |
creation_date_min | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
creation_date_max | string <date-time> Search by creation date |
update_date_min | string <date-time> Search by update date |
update_date_max | string <date-time> Search by update date |
fields | string List of fields to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. |
order | string <= 64 characters Name of the field to sort on |
direction | string <= 4 characters Direction for sorting
limit | integer Default: 100 Number of objects to be returned for paging |
offset | integer Default: 0 Offset for paging |
{- "status": "success",
- "pagination": {
- "total": 14,
- "limit": 100,
- "offset": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "2758",
- "id_customer_supplier": "48560",
- "customer_supplier_title": "Society X",
- "pipeline": "1934",
- "id_opportunity": "1985",
- "id_type": "1",
- "type_text": "Quotes",
- "number": "",
- "date": "2022-05-16",
- "date_end": "2022-05-30",
- "id_user_assigned": [
- "u213"
], - "id_user_assigned_text": [
- "Jean Dupont"
], - "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": "0",
- "discount_percent": "0",
- "total_without_tax": "125.00",
- "total_with_tax": "150.00",
- "currency_code": "EUR",
- "currency_exchange_rate": "1.000000",
- "total_already_paid": "0.00",
- "payment_date": "2022-06-16",
- "id_document_previous": "2757",
- "id_document_next": "2759",
- "id_status": "0",
- "status_text": "Draft",
- "canceled": "0",
- "update_date": "2022-06-16 10:15:47",
- "products_list": [ ]
Create a document.
id_type | integer Document type Id
pipeline | integer If added in a new opportunity: Pipeline Id |
id_customer required | integer If added in a new opportunity: Customer Id |
id_opportunity required | string If adding in an existing opportunity: Opportunity Id |
proposal_description | string Proposal description |
id_status | integer Status Id
title | string <= 127 characters Document title |
date | string <date-time> Document date |
date_end | string <date-time> Expiration date - Not editable for invoices |
id_payment_condition | integer Payment condition Id - Only for invoices |
customer_reference | string Customer reference |
description | string Document description |
use_stripe_to_pay | integer Stripe use
id_document_template | integer Document template Id |
Array of Product (object) or Section (object) Articles list |
{- "id_type": "1",
- "pipeline": 1934,
- "id_customer": 48560,
- "id_opportunity": "1985",
- "proposal_description": "A description or note about this proposal",
- "id_status": 0,
- "title": "Document #1",
- "date": "2022-05-16",
- "date_end": "2022-05-30",
- "id_payment_condition": "1",
- "customer_reference": "C1234",
- "description": "A description or note about this document",
- "use_stripe_to_pay": "0",
- "id_document_template": "0",
- "products_list": [
- {
- "section": "0",
- "id_product": "4739",
- "reference": "Ref_product_1",
- "description": "A description or note about this product",
- "price_without_tax": "125.00",
- "quantity": "2.50",
- "quantity_delivered": "0",
- "id_vat": "1"
}, - {
- "section": "1",
- "title": "Section #1",
- "description": "A description or note about this section"
{- "id": "2758",
- "id_document_previous": "2757",
- "id_document_next": "2759",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "id_opportunity": "1985",
- "id_opportunity_proposal": "1835",
- "id_type": "1",
- "type_text": "Quotes",
- "number": "",
- "id_status": "0",
- "status_text": "Draft",
- "title": "Document #1",
- "date": "2022-05-16",
- "date_end": "2022-05-30",
- "id_payment_condition": "1",
- "id_document_reference": "0",
- "customer_reference": "C1234",
- "id_customer_supplier_contact": "48560",
- "description": "A description or note about this document",
- "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": 0,
- "final_invoice": "0",
- "deposit_type": "percent",
- "deposit_value": 0,
- "total_without_tax": "125.00",
- "total_with_tax": "150.00",
- "id_currency": "43",
- "currency_code": "EUR",
- "currency_exchange_rate": "1.000000",
- "total_already_paid": "0.00",
- "payment_date": "2022-06-16 00:00:00",
- "use_stripe_to_pay": "0",
- "canceled": "0",
- "id_document_template": "0",
- "download_url": "",
- "products_list": [
- {
- "section": "0",
- "id_product": "4739",
- "title": "Product #1",
- "reference": "Ref_product_1",
- "description": "A description or note about this product",
- "price_without_tax": "50.000000",
- "id_vat": "1",
- "vat": "20.00",
- "vat_text": "TVA 20%",
- "quantity": "2.50",
- "quantity_delivered": "0",
- "id_unit": "2",
- "unit": "unité",
- "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": 0,
- "progress_type": "percent",
- "progress_value": 0,
- "total_without_tax": "125.00",
- "total_cost": "150.00",
- "hide_in_pdf": "0",
- "optional": "0",
- "creation_date": "2022-04-19 14:45:28",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-04-19 14:45:28",
- "updated_by": "213"
}, - {
- "section": "1",
- "id_product": "0",
- "title": "Section #1",
- "reference": "",
- "description": "A description or note about this section",
- "price_without_tax": "0.000000",
- "id_vat": "0",
- "quantity": "1.00",
- "quantity_delivered": "1.00",
- "id_unit": "0",
- "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": 0,
- "progress_type": "percent",
- "progress_value": 0,
- "total_without_tax": "0.000",
- "total_cost": "0.00",
- "hide_in_pdf": "0",
- "optional": "0",
- "creation_date": "2022-04-19 14:45:28",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-04-19 14:45:28",
- "updated_by": "213"
], - "creation_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "created_by": "213",
- "update_date": "2022-03-25 12:04:24",
- "updated_by": "213"
Get one document.
id required | integer Document Id |
{- "id": "2758",
- "id_document_previous": "2757",
- "id_document_next": "2759",
- "id_customer_supplier": "28496",
- "id_opportunity": "1985",
- "id_opportunity_proposal": "1835",
- "id_type": "1",
- "type_text": "Quotes",
- "number": "",
- "id_status": "0",
- "status_text": "Draft",
- "title": "Document #1",
- "date": "2022-05-16 16:15:00",
- "date_end": "2022-05-30 14:00:00",
- "id_payment_condition": "1",
- "id_document_reference": "0",
- "customer_reference": "C1234",
- "id_customer_supplier_contact": "48560",
- "description": "A description or note about this document",
- "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": 0,
- "final_invoice": "0",
- "deposit_type": "percent",
- "deposit_value": 0,
- "total_without_tax": "125.00",
- "total_with_tax": "150.00",
- "id_currency": "43",
- "currency_code": "EUR",
- "currency_exchange_rate": "1.000000",
- "total_already_paid": "0.00",
- "payment_date": "2022-06-16",
- "use_stripe_to_pay": "0",
- "canceled": "0",
- "id_document_template": "0",
- "download_url": "",
- "products_list": [
- {
- "section": "0",
- "id_product": "4739",
- "title": "Product #1",
- "reference": "Ref_product_1",
- "description": "A description or note about this product",
- "price_without_tax": "50.000000",
- "id_vat": "1",
- "vat": "20.00",
- "vat_text": "TVA 20%",
- "quantity": "2.50",
- "quantity_delivered": "0",
- "id_unit": "2",
- "unit": "unité",
- "discount_type": "percent",
- "discount_value": 0,
- "progress_type": "percent",
- "progress_value": 0,
- "total_without_tax": "125.00",
- "total_cost": "150.00",